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Find Facts/Faqs To Answer Your Questions About Bail Bonds


What Are My Options

1) Do nothing and let the defendant stay in jail until the judge says otherwise.
2) Pay the full amount of the bond to the court directly.
3) Work with a bail bondsman who will put up the full amount of the bond. With more than 120 years in business, Wittenberg Bail Bond can take less money up front than anyone else.

What is Bail

Bail is the temporary release of an accused person awaiting trial. It guarantees that the defendant will return to court on their appointed court dates. If the accused person does not appear at court until completion of the case, the bond will be forfeited and the full amount of the bond will be due.

What Is A Bail Bond

A bail bond is a financial guarantee that the defendant will appear in court until the completion of their case. By law, bail bondsmen are required to charge a fee of the full bond amount. However, the law does not state we need all the money up front. Nobody can accept less money up front than Wittenberg Bail Bonds of Toledo.

What Is The Responsibility Of The Co-Signer

The co-signer ensures the defendant appears in court every time until completion of the case so the bond is not forfeited by the judge. If costs are required to locate the defendant and take him into custody, the cosigner is responsible for reimbursing all costs incurred.

Can I Get My Bail Fee Back

No. This is the service fee the bail agency charges; it is called the premium. Bail bond agencies are insurance agencies. Just as you don’t get your money back from a car insurance company because you don’t have an accident, the fee paid to a bail bondsman is not refunded just because the defendant appears in court.

What Is A Property Bond

Property bonds can be useful in cases where cash is not an option. A property bond is done directly with the court, not a bondsman. A property bond utilizes the equity people have in their house, commercial building, or vacation home to assure the court that the accused person will be present on their scheduled court dates. The court will determine is a property is acceptable. If the accused individual does not appear in court, the court will place a lien on the property.

What If I Don't Have The Money

With a minimal down payment, Wittenberg Bail Bonds will work with you to create an acceptable payment plan within your budget.

What Determines Bail Amount

The bail will be determined by the judge using a variety of criteria about the defendant including prior criminal history, roots to the area, employment status, etc.

After Posting Bail, How Long To Get Out

The amount of time can vary depending upon the day and time posted at the jail. Mondays are the busiest day for the jail and release times can be slower.

Can You Leave The State

Wittenberg Bail Bonds does not require a defendant to stay within Ohio as long as we are notified and the individual appears for all of their court dates. The only restriction would be if a judge does not allow the defendant to leave the state.

What If The Bond Is Forfeited

If the bond is forfeited and the bondsman is unable to locate the defendant, the bondsman will be responsible to pay the full amount of the bond to the court. The cosigner is responsible for reimbursing the bail bondsman of money lost to the court.

What Happens When Defendent Doesn't Go To Court

If a defendant does not appear at their court date, a warrant is issued for their arrest. The bail bond company will be issued a “show cause” hearing regarding forfeiture. The bail bond company will attempt to locate the defendant to stop the forfeiture proceedings.
If the bond is forfeited, the judge is required by law to give the bondsman between 45 and 60 days to locate the defendant and have them appear in court.

What Information Is Needed To Start Process

The defendant’s legal name and the facility holding the defendant is all that is needed. The bondsman would then contact the facility and inquire about charges and bond amount. We would also inquire if the defendant has any holders in other jurisdictions that would possibly impede the defendant’s release.

If You Have Additional Questions
Please Contact Us


Wittenberg Bail Toledo | Faqs | Get Out of Jail | Facts
Wittenberg Bail Toledo | Faqs | Get Out of Jail | Facts
Wittenberg Bail Toledo | Faqs | Get Out of Jail | Facts
Wittenberg Bail Toledo | Faqs | Get Out of Jail | Facts
Wittenberg Bail Toledo | Faqs | Get Out of Jail | Facts

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Bail Bond Company | Service | Get Out of Jail | Toledo | Wittenberg | Bondsman
Absconding Debtor
A person who flees from creditors to avoid paying debts.

A written statement of facts related to your case.

Aiding and Abetting
Aiding and abetting means to assist someone with commission of a crime, either before or after it happens.

Alias Warrant
Alias warrants are issued in cases where you simply fail to appear for your court date or you don’t respond to your citation within the set time frame provided for you. When an alias warrant is issued, you can be arrested. But, if a bond is posted on your behalf, it can usually be lifted very easily, and your case can proceed as usual.

An appeal is a request to a higher court for that court to review your case and potentially change the decision of a lower court.

An arraignment is a court proceeding at which a defendant is formally advised of the charges against him and is asked to enter a plea to the charges. This is when a judge will set or deny bail.

Arrest Warrant
A warrant issued by a public officer that authorizes the arrest and detention of an individual.

Bail is money or collateral pledged to the court in exchange for a suspect’s fulfillment of his or her legal obligation to the courts.

Bail Bond
A written contract between a bail bondsman, surety or guarantor to pay the bail amount or forfeit property pledged if the defendant fails to appear for court.

Bail Bondsman
A bail bondsman or bail bond agent is any person or corporation that will act as a surety and pledge money or property as bail for the appearance of persons accused in court.

Bail Bond Indemnitor
The bail bond indemnitor is the person who signs the contract to bail someone out of jail.

Bail Forfeiture
Bail forfeiture is what it’s called when someone out of jail on bail fails to appear in court and whoever paid the bail doesn’t get their money back.

Bail Schedule
A bail schedule is a list that sets the amount of bail a defendant is required to pay based on the charge.

Bench Trial
A bench trial is a trial by judge instead of a trial by jury.

A written contract.

Bond Revocation Or Revoking A Bond
If a bail bond agent believes a defendant may skip court, they may revoke the bond and have the person arrested again.

A legal brief is a document used to submit an argument to a court. Lawyers generally write legal briefs to persuade a court to rule in their client’s favor on a particular issue.

Build-Up Fund
The build-up fund is used to pay out bonds to the courts in the event of a skip. It is essentially a savings account kept by the surety company.

Capital Offense
A crime, such as murder or betrayal of one’s country, that is treated so seriously that death may be considered an appropriate punishment.

Case Law
The law as established by the outcome of former cases.

Cash Bond
The entire bail amount may be paid up front, which is referred to as a cash bond.

An accusation, typically one formally made against a prisoner brought to trial.

A notice to appear in court due to the probable commission of a minor crime.

Citation Release
A citation release, or a cite out, is a type of pretrial release an arresting officer can give. The release informs the offender of his court date and is given in place of a formal arrest for lesser offenses like traffic violations.

Collateral is something pledged as security for repayment of a bail bond, to be forfeited in the event of a default.

A written or spoken agreement, especially one concerning employment, sales, or tenancy, that is intended to be enforceable by law.

A formal declaration that someone is guilty of a criminal offense, made by the verdict of a jury or the decision of a judge in a court of law.

Court Order
A direction issued by a court or a judge requiring a person to do or not do something.

Criminal Defense Lawyer
A criminal defense lawyer, also known as a defense attorney, is a lawyer specializing in the defense of individuals and companies charged with criminal activity.

Criminal Trial
A criminal trial is designed to resolve accusations brought by the government against a person accused of a crime.

The individual accused in a court of law.

A deposition is an oral statement that an individual will make to an authorized officer. The deposition may be used to find witnesses, learn more information about the situation, or used as evidence during a trial.

A person may be discharged once the obligations of the bond are fulfilled.

A summary of court proceedings that contains information about the case.

To remove a burden or release from a duty.

Extradition is the legal process by which a person who has committed a crime in one state and fled to another state may be returned to the state where the crime was committed.

Extradition Bond
Used by the defendant in extradition proceedings to gain his freedom in the arresting state while a decision is being reached on whether he will be handed over to the requesting state. Guarantees that he will surrender himself, if ordered to do so, to be returned to the requesting state.

Failure to appear (FTA)
FTA for short is an additional criminal charge, imposed by a judge, upon a person who doesn’t go to their scheduled court date.

A felony is a type of criminal offense for which a defendant can be charged. Felony crimes generally have higher bail amounts and stricter sentences than other types of crimes.

Forfeit Or Forfeiture
To pay the courts the money or surrender the property put up for bail because a defendant didn’t go to court.

Fugitive or Fugitive of Justice
A person who is fleeing from custody possibly from a failure to appear. Also called bond jumpers, skips, runners and absconders.

Fugitive Recovery Agent
A person who pursues criminals for the reward.

General Agent
An individual, partnership, association, or corporation appointed or employed by an insurer to supervise or manage the bail bond business written by limited surety agents licensed by the company.

Government Pre-Trial Release Bond
A government operated bail system that uses tax-payer dollars to fund its program. National studies show that government PTR is less efficient and effective at keeping track of defendants and has a higher failure to appear rate than private surety bail. This type of bond can also be more expensive than the one time bail bond amount. A defendant can be court ordered to pay for drug testing, GPS monitoring, walk-in visits and more, whereas a bail agent would provide these services.

When a defendant has to stay in jail or is locked up; imprisonment.

One who indemnifies the defendant. To secure against loss; to insure; to hold harmless.

An indictment is a charge that is issued by a grand jury in which the jury states that there is enough evidence to support the claim against the defendant to warrant a trial going forward. Indictments are generally used with felony cases.

An injunction is a court order that prohibits a defendant from a certain action or that requires a defendant to perform a certain action.

Jump Bail
Leaving the jurisdiction or any other act by a defendant to avoid a court appearance after a bail bond has been posted.

Jurisdiction may refer to the geographic area where a court has the authority to decide cases. Jurisdiction may also refer to the court’s authority to hear a case.

Some court cases are tried by a jury of the suspect’s peers.

A lawyer (also known as an attorney) is an individual who is trained in the legal system and licensed to practice law.

A lien is a right to keep possession of property belonging to another person until a debt owed by that person is discharged.

Limited Surety Agent
An individual who is appointed by an insurer with power of attorney to execute or countersign bail bonds in connection with judicial proceeding, and who therefore receives or is promised money or other things of value.

A type of criminal offense that is considered to be minor. Bail for these offenses is typically lower.

A motion is a request by either the defense or proscription to a judge.

Notice of Forfeiture
A document from the courts informing the bondsman that the defendant in a case failed to appear for court and that the defendant must appear or pay the bail amount paid by a certain date.

The party to whom some obligation is due such as the court or bail bondsman.

The party who owes the duty or debt; the principal. In bail, the defendant.

An offense is an act that violates the law.

Own Recognizance Bond
This is a government funded type of release that releases defendants from jail based on their promise to appear at all court appearances. Commonly referred to as “ROR” or “OR” - Professional Bond: Is written by any person who pledges US currency, postal money orders, cashiers checks, or other personal property as security for bail bonds in judicial proceedings and who therefore receives or is promised money or other things of value.

Petty Offense
A petty offense is a federal misdemeanor that is accompanied by a punishment of 6 months or less in prison.

The person filing a complaint in a civil action.

A defendant’s response to the charges against him or her. Pleas will be “guilty” or “not guilty”.

Posting Bail
Posting bail is the process by which the amount needed to release a person from custody is paid to the courts.

Probation is a period of time in which a defendant will be under the supervision of a probation officer. The officer ensures that the defendant follows rules.

The prosecutor is the lawyer who represents the state.

Public Defender
A public defender is a lawyer provided by the courts at no charge to represent someone accused of a crime.

Some defendants will be released from custody on their own recognizance, which means that they will not be required to pay for bail. However, individuals who are released on their own recognizance are still required to return to court to complete their full legal obligations.

When a defendant is not given the opportunity to leave custody on bail or on his or her own recognizance, or cannot afford to make bail, the individual is held on remand.

A judges formal declaration of the punishment to be given to a person convicted of a crime.

A surety is an individual or entity that pays bail for a defendant and then assumes responsibility of a defendant. The surety ensures that the defendant completes his o her legal obligation buy appearing in court. If the defendant fails to complete his or her legal obligation, the surety will lose the money that he or she committed to the defendant’s bail.

Surety Bail Bond
This is executed by private surety bail and at no cost to the taxpayers. Licensed bail agents post bonds with the court, guaranteeing a defendant’s appearance in court. The defendant’s appearance at all court dates becomes the sole responsibility of the bail agent and is the most effective bail system. The bail agent is physically and financially responsible for the defendant at every step of the process.

A suspect is the individual who is accused of having committed a crime. The suspect is the same person as the defendant.

A trial is the process of determining whether or not a crime has been committed and/or whether or not the defendant played a role. During the trial, either a judge or a jury is responsible for analyzing arguments from the defense and prosecution and determining an appropriate sentence for the suspect.

The verdict is the final decision that a judge or a jury has made about the involvement of a suspect in a crime. The verdict also contains the sentence, if a crime has been committed by the defendant.

A warrant is an official authorization that allows authorities to perform a specific act related to a crime that a suspect is accused of committing. An arrest warrant is one type of warrant that authorizes a suspect to be arrested and detained.
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